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You might be very skilled and capable in various areas of life. But if you are not in the right state of mind, it is said that you are not doing justice to your potential. There are many blogs I have written on this topic. But today I thought, let me take a different route on this topic. Something that is not much spoken about.
You have 4 neurotransmitters/hormones influencing your mental health. Generally I have seen, people going through depression also have problem with these hormones. So if you don’t want to go through the intense pain of unresourceful states, this blog will be useful to you. The 4 neurotransmitters/hormones are:
- Dopamine
- Oxytocin
- Serotonin
- Endorphins
In this blog, I will give you some idea on how you can ‘manufacture’ these hormones to be mentally invincible.
Dopamine: This hormone helps in staying Motivated, building Focus, and embracing Pleasure. How do you manufacture this hormone? By simply completing tasks and then celebrating small wins. Very important that you do some physical activity everyday like exercising. And after exercising, having cold showers will elevate you to a new high. Just do these 4 things, and you will see immediate results.
Oxytocin: This is a love and bonding hormone. It also helps building trust. So, how do you manufacture this one? By helping others in whatever way you can. Regularly play with pets and kids. Also, by hugging and kissing your loved one. And how about giving compliments to others on regular basis. These are various ways you would ensure there is no dearth of love in your life.
Serotonin: This hormone is about being in the right mood/feelings and being happy. There is nothing too intense you need to do to pump this hormone. Just eat healthy, take walks in nature (beaches, mountains, jungles, gardens etc.). Getting into sunshine also helps. Not scorching heat though. And many people tend to underestimate the need of good sleep. Sleep well and sleep deep.
Endorphins: This hormone helps you deal with pain, stress, and pressure. Isn’t this one of reasons why people tend to fall prey to unwanted habits like smoking or drinking? From childhood, kids should be taught to do the following things to be able to deal with stress and pressure in life. Like for example, making friends, and laughing with them. Intensely exercising helps in building endurance power. And don’t forget the sexual pleasure. That helps in channelizing stress very well. The last one is my favourite. Singing and dancing to your favourite music. Any kind of mental pain just melts away.
So, which hormone do you think is most important for you? The answer? All! So do all these things and you will see tangible change. Not only you, but others would say to you how you have changed for good. So, what will you do today to get your daily ‘Dose’? Plan something for today and for the entire week. Do this every week and keep following the plan. I can assure you; you will look forward to the planning and implementation once you see the results. Have a great week.