Be a Coach – Course Structure

Course Duration: 2 Days

Coaching subordinates on the job and developing their skills is a core leadership quality. To imbibe this quality into your natural leadership style take this two-day certification course. This course includes detailed result oriented coaching and mentoring sessions. The course covers detailed training in topics such as Executive Coaching, Life Coaching, Counselling, and Mentoring. The course also includes therapeutic interventions to help you as a coach to eliminate limiting beliefs and mental blocks in the minds of your subordinates, thus ensuring more than favorable outcomes. The training doesn’t stop there. We provide 6 months of telephonic guidance to our fellow coaches, to ensure their coaching competency is right up there and they would be able to fly independently.

Course Structure Includes:

  • Basic and advanced structure of coaching
  • A psychometric tool to understand values, beliefs, and personalities
  • Identifying bottlenecks
  • 360º turn-around structure
  • Dealing with limiting beliefs and negative emotions
  • Advanced resources which are used to conduct coaching sessions
  • Problem-solving model
  • Coaching specific therapeutic interventions

The training program will help you achieve:

  • Understanding of values, beliefs, and personalities
  • Eliminate roadblocks
  • Turnaround unfavorable situations
  • Team confidence and trust
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Therapeutic coaching techniques


Who Should Attend:

Experienced Professionals | Entrepreneurs | Leaders | Business Heads | Managers | Therapists | Healers | Trainers | Life Coaches | Homemakers | Teachers

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