

Want to become a Great Trainer? Learn Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)!

By |January 24th, 2019|Categories: Neuro Linguistic Programming|

Let me begin this blog by asking a question. What is your definition of a Great Trainer? All of us might have a zillion points to contribute on this. Let me list out a few. I may miss out some because there are too many models of the worlds

4 Quick Hacks to Manage your Emotions Effectively

By |January 7th, 2019|Categories: Emotional Intelligence|

What is Emotional-Management? It is all about understanding, perceiving and identifying the emotions along with the root-cause and being able to regulate or channelize them to have the outcome that you want in any walk of life. Easier said than done. Generally, if we look at various faces we

Selling with NLP: Techniques that will double your Sales volume

By |October 12th, 2018|Categories: Neuro Linguistic Programming|

How does anyone buy something? If you answer this question well and comprehensively, you will understand how you should be selling to anyone. This blog is not about how you sell to people, but it is all about how people buy. From this stand-point, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) has a

Sure-Fire Qualities that can make you highly Emotionally Intelligent

By |September 17th, 2018|Categories: Emotional Intelligence|

I have come across so many people who say, “Emotions have always held me back”. We hear this in different ways from people around us, on social media and through other media where sometimes failures are highlighted. Not to mention the memes which focus on failures at work, relationships

Top 6 Must Read Books On Emotional Intelligence

By |September 6th, 2018|Categories: Emotional Intelligence|

Anything to do with human psychology is so deep and vast. They rightly say, ‘Every new person is a new book of psychology’. Then the question arises, how do we create a ‘bible’ of psychology because it essentially means generalizing the human cognitive tendencies, temperaments and emotions. I feel,

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