I was born on 14th December 1979 and within 2 days of my birth, my horoscope was made and was analyzed by a ‘Guruji’. He had all good things to say about me and my future, except for one thing. He said, “Ye baccha kabhi Business nahi kar payega”. What a bad thing to say about a child who is only 2 days old. His audience comprised of my parents and close relatives who then formed an opinion about me and also devised a strategy of how not to let me do something as horrible as business in my life. And this is exactly what I have been hearing about myself and my capabilities since the childhood days.
Many years later, I truly understood what Human Mind conditioning means. The negative version of this concept is also referred to as Brain-washing. Our brain is so vulnerable to certain suggestions. It is capable of putting you in a state of mind which could either empower or disempower you. The question is, do we have a choice to feel and be in a mental state that we really want to be? Yes of course. Just that we need to be empowered with certain cognitive techniques that would upgrade the software of the brain. This helps in being in the productive state, hence ensuring we achieve our compelling goals.
But first let us understand what goes wrong and where exactly. So we have 5 senses and some may argue we have 6. Anything is fine with me. The fact is, around 2.3 million bits per second data goes into our brain through these 5/6 senses. The shocking news is that we are capable of processing only about 134 bits per second from this data. So what happens to the rest of it? We have 3 filters – Generalization, Deletion and Distortion. Long story cut short, we generalize a lot of stuff and about people just by looking at it/them and forming opinions based on earlier experiences. We know we delete stuff when we are listening to someone in an air conditioned room and not listening to the AC. We distort stuff in our mind when we form an opinion from some event which doesn’t intend to broadcast the same thought. These filters filter out most of the data and what we have is 134 bits per second of our own subjective reality in our mind. They say, “You have your reality, I have my reality and there is something called as the CCTV camera”. Not a bad thought, is it?
Well, it is this internal reality which is primarily responsible for the internal state. Now we all know, our internal state is also primarily responsible for our actions, that is, the behavior. And what does our behavior result in? Some achievement right? Of course and we are talking Goals here. So when we don’t achieve our goals, what needs to be changed? A cup of coffee which you will treat yourself if you answer this one correctly. Of course, it is the internal state. NLP or Neuro-Linguistic Programming is all about knowing this and mastering techniques to be in empowering and productive Internal States. Thanks to NLP, we have seen some amazing turn-arounds in people who were not happy with their life and their achievements. NLP is a science of the brain and an art of how you transform yourself. Agile Neuro (agileneuro.com) is one such organization that regularly engages itself in transforming lives through various NLP based courses/learning interventions such as NLP Practitioner/Master Practitioner and Neuro-Leadership Programs which is application of NLP techniques in leading effectively. It is because of these interventions that I can proudly say that the Astrologer was wrong! Basically, limiting beliefs can be dealt with. Choose your life!