Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner Certification Training

Course Duration: 5 Days
Online Course Duration: 16 Days | 2 Hours per day

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is a part of neuroscience which deals with how the brain can be programmed to change the way we think, feel, and process experiences. NLP is all about upgrading the software of your brain to achieve excellence in any walk of life, be it professional or personal. Over the years, we have seen that people who have learnt NLP have been able to improve their interpersonal interactions and skills, relationships, parenting strategies, professional life, overall personal life and have become very productive in anything they do. If you aren’t using NLP, then you are working too hard. We are offering International Certification accredited to European Community of NLP and are following the course structure and outline as per ECNLP.

Key NLP Interventions during the course:

  1. Understanding the brain and neurology
  2. Defining Well-formed outcomes (important to set goals in all areas of life)
  3. Neurological levels model for Problem-solving model (for self and others)
  4. Understanding Cause and Effect (being at the solution end)
  5. Understanding Learning styles/ Representational systems (for a better connect and rapport with others)
  6. Sensory Acuity (for calibrating other people to recognize and utilize physiological cues and states)
  7. Techniques of how to build Rapport (range of applications in day-to-day personal and professional life)
  8. Sub-modalities (applications in taking away unwanted obsessions and cravings and helps in building the right motivation in various scenarios)
  9. Managing personal states (being in the right state of mind even in overwhelming situations)
  10. Anchoring (dealing with limiting beliefs, self-motivation, feeling differently about the past, Coaching applications)
  11. Achieving and maintaining States of Excellence
  12. Parts integration (dealing with dilemmas)
  13. Perceptual Positions (effective Conflict Management Skill, getting wisdom from multiple perspectives)
  14. Strategies for learning, motivation, decision making and creativity
  15. Elicit and utilize strategies of Excellence, modelling a skill for accelerated learning
  16. Recognizing and utilizing effective Language Patterns for the right results
  17. Learning time-based techniques for dealing with traumas
  18. Phobia cure technique to deal with irrational fears

Key take-aways:

  • How to increase your own productivity and help others grow theirs
  • Interventions in dealing with your limiting beliefs, fears and phobias
  • Manage stress and face challenging situations more effectively
  • Ways to motivate self and others
  • Interventions to deal with uncomfortable situations and difficult people
  • Dealing with negative emotions (anger, fear, grief, hurt etc.) and negative self-talk
  • Build rapport and manage relationships
  • Modelling techniques to accelerate Learning to achieve excellence in any field
  • Do away with unwanted habits and addiction
  • Helping other people transform their lives

How to cultivate a B2B success mindset using NLP?

Listen to Amarendra on #MindfulMinutes Podcasts hosted by Tanay Sarpotdar


Accredited to ECNLP (Europe)

Get Certified as NLP Practitioner & NLP Life Coach Certification


16th Jun to 19th Jun 2024 – Goa

12th Jul to 27th Jul 2024 – Online
3rd Aug to 7th Aug 2024 – Pune
7th Sep to 11th Sep 2024 – Mumbai
28th Sep to 2nd Oct 2024 – Goa

Accolades from some of our NLP Certified Professionals

Frequently Asked Questions – NLP Certification

Emotional Intelligence and NLP both come under the umbrella of psychology. Emotional Intelligence training hovers around 4 competencies which are Self-awareness which includes mindfulness, Self-management, Others-awareness and Others-management. EI is all about regulating and channelizing emotions along with an ability to read/understand self and others. This helps in better proactive approach in dealing with self and others. The scope of EI training is limited to how emotions can be managed, regulated to be in the right state of mind. Reaction-Response concept is also covered here. NLP training deals with all interventions related to enhancing your brain’s potential to achieve excellence in any field. NLP has interventions in interpersonal communication, interpersonal behavioral regulation along with Therapeutic interventions to deal with various cognitive challenges using research done in neuroscience. NLP deals with how we can do the best from our subjective experience. We have a blog on this (Blog link EI vs NLP)

The following are a few ways of defining it:

  • NLP is collection of personal development tools for improving your own and others’ performance
  • It is also a collection of tools for effectively communicating with other people: a practical and pragmatic collection of insights and methods that can enable you to improve how you communicate with yourself and others
  • It was originally designed as a means of modelling or creating very precise models of how people do things so that these skills could be taught to others.

Excellence and mastery come from having many choices; wisdom comes from having multiple perspectives. With NLP, you’ll have and perceive more choices available in the world around you – helping you to be more effective.

To improve the quality and effectiveness of your performance, NLP techniques focus on the thought processes that influence your behaviour. It identifies, uses and changes patterns in these thoughts so that you become more masterful.

Some common, easily attained benefits are:

  • Quick rapport building with people
  • Enhanced communication with others and yourself
  • The ability to influence and motivate people
  • Managing your emotions and personal composure
  • The breaking of unproductive and unhealthy habits, such as procrastination, over-eating etc.
  • Resolution of self-sabotaging and conflicts
  • Turning limiting beliefs into empowering ones
  • Heightened creativity and ability to learn
  • Release of destructive relationships; enhanced or attraction of rewarding relationships
  • Powerful coaching skills to assist others in achieving their goals
  • Expanded belief of what is possible for you
  • Discovery or reinforcement of your purpose in life

And much much more…

Anyone who has a brain can learn this method. Your challenge is not with the process but with yourself. Are you willing to be flexible and take “risks” in not knowing? You will get into territories of “not knowing”. This is about stepping into possibilities and reclaiming your inner child, awakening your creative potential, and gaining some very powerful skills you can immediately apply in your life and your business.

For you to get results as a coach, your client must be coachable. Some people aren’t, unless you take them through some processes to “disable” their inner blocks. NLP can help you do that very fast. Also, during the coaching process, you may encounter inner blocks your client presents. NLP will help you get past those. Structural Psychology will give you a powerful logical framework to direct your coaching process.

Master Practitioner training is a training which assumes your understanding of the Methodology, learned during the Practitioner training. In this NLP training you will be working on sophisticated case studies, get into hypnotic strategic protocols and learn additional advanced language patterns you can apply in your conversations, teaching, coaching and from the platform.

NLP is a branch of applied psychology and every other person is a new book of psychology. However, there are patterns in NLP which work at neurology level. So, even if we don’t have a scientific equation for all interventions of NLP, it works and without any side-effects. NLP is a model of what works in individual performance.

It is based on the working principle that if one person can do something then, given similar physical characteristics, anyone else can learn to do the same by modelling and integrating into their own repertoire the skills and attitude of the successful person.

While this working principle may or may not be literally true it leads to some quite remarkable improvements in personal performance.

A well-formed outcome is a set of criteria for an impactful and well-formed goal or outcome. These are the steps:

  1. Stated in positive terms.
  2. Initiated and maintained by self.
  3. Specific sensory based description of outcome and steps.
  4. More than one way to get the outcome.
  5. First step is specific and achievable.
  6. Increases choice.
  7. Is it ecological? Ecology related to self and other major stakeholders in your life

Perceptual positions are where you shift your attention to assume the perceptual filters other people in the world might use. Seeing, hearing, feeling the world through the perceptual position of someone watching a trapeze artist will be a totally different map than the trapeze artist. We use perceptual positions in NLP for many different uses from getting someone else’s perception on the client’s behavior to creating a disassociation from a powerful experience.

NLP modelling is the art of making explicit the set of differences present in someone who is excellent at a given activity compared with someone who is mediocre at the same activity. NLP modelling is by far the highest skill level in NLP.  NLP modelling can be used to capture patterns of excellence present in anyone in any context.

NLP was created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder at the University of California, Santa Cruz in 1976. Richard Bandler’s background was in mathematics and gestalt therapy and John Grinder was well versed in linguistics. They sought to formulate a practical model of therapy and counselling, with explicit skills and techniques, by observing the patterns of excellence in Fritz Pearls (creator of Gestalt Therapy), Virginia Satir (renowned family therapist) and Milton Erikson (founder of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis). They then formalised their modeling techniques, which were later used to model experts from diverse fields of professional communication, including psychotherapy, business, hypnosis, law and education.

NLP’s basic premise is that the human brain functions similarly to a computer, which executes ‘programmes’ or mental strategies in ordered sequences of instructions (or internal representations). NLP specifically and objectively measures and identifies the physiological state and mental strategies a person is using at any point in time, and provides specific means to change and improve the mental and physiological state of the person.

Present State + Appropriate Resources –> Desired State

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    • Dual Certification – NLP Practitioner & NLP Life Coach Certification

    • Accredited to ECNLP (Europe)

    • Early Bird offer – 10% Discount

    • Group Discounts Available